The day in the life of a Vodafone Partner Agent

The day in the life of a Vodafone Partner Agent

Dan Rowan runs two successful Vodafone stores in Chesterfield and Sheffield Crystal Peaks, with a third coming in June. Here, he describes a typical day…


My day starts nice and early. I look over my diary to see if I have any appointments and what staff are in which stores. I then look at the previous day’s trading figures and compare them against my monthly targets to establish how the month is performing so far. Armed with this information, I write a brief to communicate to the stores any best practice, important news or updates, while also acknowledging any good performance by stores or individuals from the previous day.


Once the brief has gone out, I touch base with each store manager. I check their understanding of their current performance, and then agree any areas that need improvement and how they will achieve this throughout the week. I also highlight any areas they are excelling in and congratulate them, as well as getting them to share their best practice with the other stores. It’s vital to me that the stores communicate so they can bounce new ideas off each other.


Most days I visit each store and spend time with the staff. I usually arrive before the stores open so I can be involved with the team huddles and contribute to their plan of action for the day.


While I am in store, I will discuss individual team performance with the store manager, as well as targets and the best way to achieve them. I will also take some time to observe staff interaction and provide ‘in-the-moment’ feedback to ensure that the teams are constantly learning and progressing within their roles, while ensuring all customers have a first-class experience.

As a franchisee, it is important to be visible to my teams so they feel they can come and talk to me about matters affecting them and how I can help them grow. I also feel it is important for me to know my teams well so I am able to acknowledge and reward great performance on a regular basis.

During the day, my stores report their sales to me. This allows me to direct their focus and congratulate them on great sales days to keep pushing performance forward. It also gives me an instant snapshot of how the day is progressing and if I need to take any action to hit our daily goals.


Most days, I will be in contact with my representatives at Vodafone, highlighting any issues that we may be experiencing or just catching up on any news and updates that may need to be distributed to the stores. We also discuss performance and if Vodafone can support me in any way should I need it.


As the day draws to a close, the stores report their end-of-day figures to me. This enables me to log their sales figures ready for the next-day analysis. The stores highlight any standout performances so I can speak to individuals or teams directly. I also get them to tell me if anything that day has worked well so we can share best practice between the two stores in order to continue to improve.

Would you like to follow in Dan’s footsteps? Visit The Northern Franchise Exhibition, sponsored by Vodafone, on 21 & 22 June at EventCity, Manchester. Find out more about the Partner Agent programme, get to know the team behind the brand and take your first step on the road to business ownership.

Book your free tickets today at

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