Send Me A Pro brand’s NFT offer

Send Me A Pro is the first franchise to give its franchisees a complementary NFT as a reward for joining Send Me A Pro as a franchise business owner.

Send Me a Pro recently evolved from Send Me a Trainer, which focuses on fitness and sports services. Based on high demand from clients and franchise owners, Send Me a Pro now connects clients with a variety of additional vetted local service providers beyond just fitness.

“The NFTs will be limited in quantity and awarded exclusively to our early franchise owners as a reward mechanism,” says Bary El-Yacoubi, Co-Founder of Send Me A Trainer. “In the past 18 months Send Me A Trainer has awarded over 60 territories and as Send Me A Trainer continues to grow its footprint and reach over 300 territories, these tokens will increase in value.” 

“Our franchisees appreciate the NFTs, as it is an opportunity for them to have additional upside exposure to the value of the brand that is separate from their specific franchise operations,” says Muhssin El-Yacoubi, Co-Founder of Send Me A Trainer. “Also, service providers and users that join our platform will also be eligible to earn NFTs based on usage and loyalty.”

Send Me A Trainer attended the First NFT Conference in Miami on April 1-3rd, 2022 where it announced the launch of Send Me A Trainer’s NFT Strategy. Send Me A Trainer was also the only franchise system in attendance at the NFT conference.

An NFT is a digital asset that is unique in kind, supported by blockchain technology and frequently purchased with crypto currency. As part of its NFT strategy, Send Me A Trainer will be utilizing NFTs as a reward mechanism.

“Send Me A Trainer continues to bring the latest technology and innovation to the franchise world,” says Muhssin El-Yacoubi. “Send Me A Trainer was the first to franchise technology, and now it is the first franchise to adopt NFTs, crypto currency, and blockchain technology and we continue to disrupt the franchise industry.”

“Our franchises are attracted to our technology driven, home based business model with low overhead and no physical location required,” says Bary El-Yacoubi. “The modern business owner can now own a technology enabled on-demand business as a franchise. Our technology automates operations of the business so franchise owners don’t get caught up in tedious things like payroll. It’s changing the entire concept of business ownership in the franchise world.”

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