Proud survey confirms Driver Hire is getting it right
Driver Hire is clearly getting it right when it comes to both reliable service and value for money. That’s what its eighth annual ‘Proud Survey’ has revealed.
Over 500 customers responded to the survey, and whilst ‘reliable service’ remains the top reason for using Driver Hire overall, more respondents than ever said they’d miss ‘personal contact’ the most if they weren’t using Driver Hire.
An impressive 86% also rated value for money as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.
As well as seeking the views of customers, Driver Hire’s ‘Proud’ survey also asks its candidates: whether they’re proud to work for Driver Hire; about the level of service and respect they receive from their Driver Hire office and whether they’d recommend Driver Hire to family or friends.

The December 2021 ‘Proud’ survey received a record level of responses – more than 1,100 – with the following results:
· 96% of candidates said they’re proud to work for Driver Hire
· 97% of candidates rated the level of respect & service received from their local Driver Hire office as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’ (highest ever score)
· 89% scored 8/10 or more when asked if they’d recommend working for Driver Hire to others (highest ever score). 67% scored 10/10 when asked if they’d recommend working for Driver Hire to others (also the highest ever)
Commenting on the results of the ‘Proud’ survey, Chris Chidley (CEO) said: “We’re really proud of these survey results. Driver Hire’s nationwide office network prides itself on delivering a reliable, round-the-clock, personal service. This year’s ‘Proud’ survey confirmed that, once again, we’re clearly getting it right with customers and candidates.”
For more information on Driver Hire’s reliable service please click here.