Jani-King is ranked number 1 global cleaning franchise

Great News! Jani-King has ranked at number 1 for cleaning franchises and number 14 overall in the Franchise Direct Ranking of the 100 Global Franchises. There are many hundreds of franchising business out there so this position is an important reflection on how Jani-King operates both in terms of its contract clients and its franchisees.

This list is the foremost, research-only based ranking of global franchise businesses and uses a methodology that goes beyond system size and financial performance. The ranking is compiled by taking a host of criteria, giving each criterion a weighted value to make the final ranking as data driven and objective as possible. The franchises that comprise the top 100 were ranked using objective and measurable criteria, which include:

  • System size based on numbers of units
  • Revenue for the system
  • Stability and growth
  • Number of years in operation
  • Market expansion
  • Best practices in the areas of franchisee support and training
  • Environmental policy
  • Social responsibility

Franchise Direct have also compiled a list of key features that describe a Top 100 business and these include: a well-defined business identity, a clear business plan, a commitment to training and support, sensitivity to environmental issues, and the ability to innovate to keep pace with ever-changing social and economic conditions. Furthermore all of these things are applied in more than one country by acquiring the necessary cultural sensitivities.

Jani-King are particularly proud to feature highly in this list because we value the recognition it offers for the commitment and investment that has gone into developing Jani-King as the world’s leading commercial cleaning franchise.

To find out more visit the Jani-King  profile page.

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