It’s a family affair: Parents and son give up their jobs to take on three franchises

Time for a change

As a service manager at a garage, 25-year-old Matt Flatman was a user and fan of Mac Tools. Matt was keen to become his own boss, but also liked the idea of the security of being backed by an established brand. When a Mac Tools franchise in Winchester became available, close to where his girlfriend had just got a job, it seemed like too good an opportunity to miss.

A few months later, while he was still going through the acquisition process, Matt’s parents Kerry, a nurse, and Graham, a sales director, decided that perhaps they too would be interested in running their own business. Before they made this life-changing decision, they visited The National Franchise Exhibition 2016 to make sure they were making the right choice.

Kerry said:

“We both fancied a change from our jobs, our other children were no longer at home and it seemed like a really good opportunity. So we went to The National Franchise Exhibition to find out more – to talk to some franchisors and listen to a couple of the free seminars.”


The couple approached the event with an open mind, considering franchise brands in a number of different business sectors.

But during discussions with members of the Mac Tools team at their stand, it became clear that two franchise areas adjacent to that covered by Matt were available – it seemed like a chance too good to pass up. Shortly after the exhibition, having assessed their financial position, the couple contacted Mac Tools to discuss next steps.

“Mac Tools representatives came to our house to give a presentation about the company and we had a kind of informal interview,” Kerry says. “After that we each spent a day out in a van with another franchisee – seeing what their day was like and if it was really for us. It was really good – I went out with another lady which was nice as the business is very male-dominated.”

“Then they rang back with some feedback and to see if we were still keen – after that there was another, more formal interview at their head office in Northampton. Then once the finance was sorted we were ready to go!”

The big move

“Matt had already moved down to Hampshire and bought his franchise area by now, so we bought the two adjacent to his, sold our house in Northamptonshire and moved in March 2017,” says Kerry.

The couple took possession of their franchises in May 2017, following a two-week training course in Northampton with Mac Tools.

“On the Friday, you receive your van with all your stock inside and get to drive it home!”

Support and advice

During the couple’s first two weeks as franchise owners, area managers travelled with Kerry and Graham, helping them set their vans up, plan routes, find clients and generally offer advice where needed.

Kerry adds:

“We each felt differently about that – Graham didn’t necessarily want the manager to come in to see the clients with him as he was used to selling – they’d usually just sit in the van and wait – whereas I’d never done sales and welcomed the reassurance.”

 “You start off cold calling, but because Mac is such a well-known brand, we were quite welcome.”

Working for yourself – and as a family

“We really enjoy having our own business,” Kerry enthuses, “And doing it together. We bounce ideas off each other and support each other. Also, we’ve got a mix of knowledge. I was a nurse and am used to working with people, but Graham and Matt have the product knowledge and I’ve learnt a lot from them. I’m constantly asking questions.”

Kerry adds that the only downside is it can be hard to switch off – the vans are at home and there’s a home office they share.

“We have to be quite strict with ourselves and say ‘that’s enough, let’s stop!’ We’ve only just entered our second year, but perhaps in the future we’ll think about getting a fourth van and an employee – we’ll see.”

“Having your own business is brilliant – we just came back from holiday recently and it is so much easier going back to work when you are working for yourself rather than for someone else. We have no regrets at all.”

Interested in following in the Flatmans’ footsteps? Find out more about upcoming Franchise Exhibitions held in exclusive partnership with the British Franchise Association. Claim free tickets using promo code CAS1.

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