iOB Business sees huge increase in demand for digital solutions

As we all gradually transition and adjust to some semblance of normality, the pandemic is still very much a concern for people and businesses alike. Although things have improved considerably around the world, we are still not in a pre-pandemic world. Indeed, many analysts suggest that the world has changed forever.

From a business perspective, this certainly looks as though it’s true as lots of companies adjust to the new normal. Working from home, increased usage of productivity tools and a surge in online commerce point to a far more connected world, in the digital sense.

The majority of small business owners recognise that in order to stay relevant in 2021 and beyond, they need to be marketing their products and services online. Traditional marketing activities such as posters, leaflets, word of mouth are not as effective. The new battleground for businesses is the online world, across multiple digital platforms.

The head office team at iOB Business are proud to report a huge increase in demand for digital solutions and this shows no signs of slowing down. As businesses of all types and industries scramble to build their digital footprint, partners of the iOB Business network are at the forefront of delivering a wide variety of solutions to meet the needs of their clients.

Kamran Awan, Co-Founder of iOB Business, commented , “Small businesses are dynamic and have the ability to connect with their local consumers in a unique way. The online world has opened up many possibilities for local businesses to reach a much wider audience and we are fully committed to helping business owners leverage the digital space.

Over the last few months in particular, we’ve seen a huge demand for our solutions and our partners are working with all types of industries, delivering vital digital solutions. Having spoken to a number of our partners recently, I know they are excited about the state of the market and many are reporting strong pipelines that bodes well as we enter the final quarter of this year.

The pandemic has been challenging for everyone, but it’s great to hear first hand how our partners are making a positive difference to local businesses. As a network, we are excited about the journey ahead.”

The team at iOB Business have a number of new innovations that they will be releasing in the coming months as they cement their place as the most value-driven Digital Agency opportunity on the market.

To find out more about how iOB Business is helping local business owners compete online, please contact a member of their team.

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