Fun Fest Sutton gets a ‘Good’ rating in its Ofsted Inspection!
The report found that the staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of how children are stimulated through their activities and that due to the wide range of interesting activities, they offer a good balance between the areas of learning.
Furthermore, the report found that staff knew the children very well and thus met the children’s individual needs while working very effectively together to support the interests and requirements of each child. Parents are not left in the dark and are given comprehensive information about the provision’s policies, procedures and children’s activities.
Additionally the investigators found that staff are emotionally secure and were very effective at settling in the children. There are clear lines of communication between the staff and parents, ensuring the children’s well-being. Children learn about other cultures through a wide range of activities and have a valued feeling of respect towards each other. I.E: no child is left out!
Finally, the staff were found to have effective self-evaluation capabilities, with an emphasis on continuous improvement across the board. The management have a clear vision for the future and thus work towards an effective action plan as a unit.