Award Winning Gatwick Recruiter Swoops Into Gleneagles
The award winning recruitment team at Driver Hire’s Gatwick franchise is on the move – to new premises at Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley. Their ongoing success story – turnover at the business is 77% up on same time last year and heading for another all time record – means that a move to larger premises was an essential.
“Over the past four years we’ve more than quadrupled our turnover; I now employ two members of staff and we regularly find work for around 100 drivers every week of the year,” says Gatwick franchisee, Nic Chaviaris. “We’d outgrown our previous premises and, with an eye on the long-term future development of the business and to host our ever expanding Driver CPC training service, a move made absolute sense.”
Driver Hire Gatwick provides temporary and permanent drivers and other logistics staff to businesses and organisations across the UK. They help when customers need extra staff to deal with holidays, illness or business expansion. In 2015 Nic Chaviaris was Driver Hire’s ‘Franchisee of the Year’ and a finalist in the bfa ‘Franchisee of the Year’ awards.
The team’s new premises are double the size of their old one. Along with an open plan office, they include separate rooms for driver registration and training. If the guys have any ‘play time’ there’s also a full size pool table!
“As an indication of our confidence in the future outlook of Driver Hire Gatwick we’re buying the premises. To stay ahead in business, you’ve got to move with the times. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.” Nic Chaviaris concludes.
For further information contact Dave Robbins, Driver Hire’s Press Officer, on 01274 361076 / 07849 437370

The team (from l to r): James McElligott, Nic Chaviaris and Tom Foster