Auditel National Conference 2019: The “best ever”!

On November 15, the Auditel network gathered at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull for the Auditel National Conference, where they celebrated their 25th Anniversary.

Auditel Affiliates were welcomed with refreshments before an opening address from founder Chris Allison.

Chris’s speech highlighted the journey that he and his wife Sylvia had taken leading up to the formation of the Auditel business and in the two and half decades since, culminating in the announcement that Chris Aston has been appointed as his successor, in the role of Managing Director. Chris Allison will take the role of Executive Chairman, and continued to remain fully involved in the evolution of the Auditel business.

There were four workshops throughout the day, based around new marketing solutions and sales training, delivered by Aston and Head of Sales Graeme McKinnon. Adrian Burton, Auditel Affiliate, ran a workshop on long-term client retention and all the sessions were well-received.

The guest speaker for the Conference was cave-diver Jon Volanthen, who lead the heart-warming rescue mission of the Thai boys football team in 2018, with their miraculous rescue through a rescue mission that drew upon local, and international, resources and expertise.

The evening activities started with a black-tie dinner and raffle in aid of the charity Steel Warriors, with well over £1000 being raised, before the Auditel 2019 award winners were announced and presented with their awards by Chris Allison and an award sponsor.

2019 Auditel Award Winners:

Franchise Newcomer of the Year: Peter Lewis

High Income Award Winner (Individual Franchise): Gillian Gibbon

High Income Award Runner-up (Individual Franchise): Stephen Sowerby

High Income Award Winner (Business Practice): Connect Consultancy (Stephen Heathcock)

High Income Award Runner-up (Business Practice): Overhead Management Company (David Powell)

Consultant’s Consultant of the Year: Adrian Burton

Franchisee of the Year: John Wardle

Award Winner – Paul Copsey of Connect Consultancy

Award Winner Paul Copsey of Connect Consultancy

On completion of the award ceremony the network celebrated long into the evening – and for many who were especially thirsty – well into the early hours! Following an atmosphere of enthusiasm, positivity and recognition of both an excellent event and a very productive year all round, there were many glowing messages fed back to the head office team following the event:

“I just wanted to express my thanks to all those involved in the organisation and delivery of this year’s National Conference. In my opinion it was the best in years, full of great presentations, workshops and new initiatives.” – Steve Ray

“Thank you so much for all your hard work putting together a fabulous conference. I could not have asked for a more enjoyable, valuable and inspiring day and evening. Always nice to have an excuse to crack out the velvet jacket too! Feeling inspired and raring to crack on!” – Peter Lewis

“Best conference we’ve ever had. Very productive”. – Neil Calcutt, Auditel Affiliate since 1999

With such positive feedback the bar has been set high for next year’s event, but motivated and empowered, the whole Auditel network will be looking forward to 2020 being a productive and successful year.

It also ensures the present time is an ideal moment to be joining the Auditel network. With continued economic uncertainty ensuring that cost management is high on the agenda for organisations, and with the need to innovate being greater than ever, Auditel is perfectly placed to assist organisations in delivering solutions that improve profitability for clients, whilst making Auditel Affiliates successful in their own businesses.

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