Radfield Home Care

“Know your local marketplace,
and know it like the back of your hand”

Read about Ed’s unique journey from Franchise Recruiter to Franchisee, a testament to his belief in the mission and model of Radfield Home Care.

Ed Gill worked for the award-winning Radfield Home Care national office for 4 years as Franchise Recruitment Manager, helping others establish their own Radfield Home Care franchise. In 2021 Ed made the bold decision to become a franchise partner himself. He has since opened Radfield Home Care York, Thirsk & Rydale, he says: “I was in a fortunate position where I’ve had a lot of experience doing this with other people, so I could definitely do this myself.”

Is the support of a franchise worth the cost?

“You can build a really, really successful business being part of a franchise, so for me, it was a case of as long as the net profit is suitable, even after paying the fees, then being part of a franchise network is a no-brainer.”

“The National Office team can help with even little things that you don’t necessarily think about. The support fills in all of those gaps.”

Would you say being part of a network has benefits for your business?

“Absolutely, one of our first clients was a referral from our neighbouring territory. I’m always referencing how we are a growing network with more than 25 locations, how we are all independent but part of the same national brand, how our nearest neighbour is over the way in Harrogate. The power of that network is really useful as it comes with a strong positive reputation.”

What do you think of the new Radfield branding?

“It really helps position Radfield Home Care as an authoritative brand, a brand that is genuinely thought-leading and progressive. I think our old visual identity and website had served us very well but needed some tweaking to be ready for our next stage of growth. It takes us to a level where we are now a truly national provider, with a truly national offering, with a thought-provoking, thought-leading message.”

What would you say to anyone considering starting a business in the care sector?

“I genuinely believe that to succeed in this sector that you have to be a bit of a people person. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to be the type of person who walks down the street and strikes a conversation with every person they walk past, but you have to be able and willing to want to have those conversations.”

“Despite already working within the social care sector, I got to the stage where I was tired of working for other organisations.

Jackie Gillen and her husband Mark opened the doors to their Radfield Home Care office in July 2018. Radfield Home Care Wakefield & Dewsbury not only provides outstanding care but is an employer of choice in the area.

Jackie had previously worked in social housing, providing sheltered housing and hostels for homeless people. She decided to launch a franchise in a step to take control of her career. Hear more about her story below…

Franchise or go it alone?
“A franchise has lots of benefits and is a much safer option. I like the fact that you have all of that network of support and everything is already in place. We have somebody we can go to that we trust, who has the business background.

“Sometimes, you just need that support and it’s worth its weight in gold.

Why Radfield Home Care?
“At The National Franchise Exhibition, we went around and spoke to a few other franchise companies, and Radfield just felt right. For us, it was about the ethos of the company. There is a shared vision that everyone believes in, to help people. You just feel that the values of Radfield stand out and are going to fit with your own values.”

Why did you launch your business in Wakefield?
“We wanted to work within our local area and build a connected community, a big factor was that we actually live here and we care about the area. We wanted something local because my husband and I have always worked somewhere that we’ve needed to commute. This way, we can work locally and with a community that we already care deeply for.

“My experience has been really positive, we went around and spoke to a few other franchise companies but we knew Radfield just felt right for us.”

What makes you happiest about your franchise journey?
“What makes me happiest about owning a Radfield Home Care franchise is that we’re genuinely delivering a good service to clients in our local community… it’s exceptional quality and I’m proud of that. It’s making a massive difference to the lives of local people, while also securing the financial future of our own family.”

“The cultural ethos for me was one of the main reasons to choose Radfield.”

Through a recession and a global pandemic, follow James as his business thrives and achieves the coveted rating of Outstanding in his first CQC inspection.

What inspired you to start your own business?
“I looked into other roles within the same sector that I’d previously worked in but I decided that I was getting towards the tail end of my career, so it was the right time to look at building something for myself.

“I also think my background in management helped me realise that I might be able to run my

How resilient is a franchise business?
“It gives you that additional depth of backup. I suppose in a sense for me with a franchise, although you’ve got your independence you’ve also got that fall back on a depth of expertise that you wouldn’t otherwise have.”

What was it about Radfield Home Care that appealed?
“It was about the people and their personalities. You know you engage with people when you’re part of a franchise, it’s not just about the numbers and statistics, it’s about the people that you work with, the people you engage with and I think all of the people in Radfield who I spoke to were genuinely nice people who live the values and demonstrated the culture I was buying in to.

James Radfield franchisee

“From the demand side, there is no question. There are more people living longer who will benefit from our help.”

Do you find working in Home Care rewarding?
“I would say that providing care is very rewarding for me, it’s about the difference that you make to people’s lives and it is a genuine difference, we see that day in and day out. It’s the fact that we support a lot of vulnerable people and I think we do genuinely add value to their lives and make a difference to those.”

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