IOB Business

Partner Reviews

iOB Anthony round

“Launching a Digital Agency with iOB Business has been one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve always had a passion for helping local businesses and my Digital Agency is the perfect way to give back to my local community. With a strong pipeline of clients, the future is looking positive.”

Anthony O

iOB Chad round

“The 2-day training programme gave me a solid base for launching my Digital Agency. Having a background in construction, I’ve already been able to leverage my contacts to help local tradesmen build an online presence. I’m looking forward to some of the new innovations the team at head office is working on.”

Chad C

iOB Ivon round

“Starting an online business is something that excited me. I can see the world moving more towards digital platforms and this opens up a disconnect between businesses that embrace online and those that don’t. iOB Business has helped me nurture, educate and assist local businesses with getting online. I’m proud to be the ‘tech’ guy in my business community.”

Ivon M

iOB Colin round

“We all understand that technology is here to stay. I wanted to partner with a company that shared my values and vision. The training and post-launch support has been great from the team. I’ve already secured a multi-site business for my Digital Agency and I know I can lean on the head office team when I need help.”

Colin M

iOB Chiquita round

“Being a business owner can be a scary proposition. I went down the franchising route as I wanted the support and structure of a team to ensure my success. iOB Business has helped me work with all types of clients and I love the fact that I have such a diverse range of solutions that I can offer my clients.”

Chiquita R

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