EweMove Sales & Lettings


Joanne Mundy – EweMove Doncaster

“Life was very different before EweMove – I had my own business supplying dentistry to the prison service, random I know, I spent much of my time behind bars dealing with difficult customers!

I really enjoyed running my own business, however due to the nature of the service and where we provided it, I was unable to expand or advance the business. I also relished the challenges around running a tender contract where frustrating and restrictive.

My brother Jason introduced me to EweMove as he had recently purchased a EweMove franchise. I thought he was a little crazy at first but the more I explored EweMove, at first being nosy, I quickly realised what an amazing opportunity it was. From that first initial enquiry I wanted to part of the EweMove revolution. My mission was to persuade the fantastic EweMove team that they needed me!

I was delighted to be accepted into the EweMove family. 

I have never in my whole career met a more supportive group of people. The support from the sheep pen staff is second to none, and encouragement and help from fellow franchisees is equal.

I have been given the tools to build a successful business, and the innovation from the sheep pen means we are constantly ahead of our field. I have followed the lean green marketing machine, and the results speak for themselves.

I launched my business in December 2015. In May 2016, I managed to sign up £10,000 of business in one month – this gave me a huge sense of pride, and I have managed to achieve this goal in June, July and August. I still have to pinch myself as I ride around Doncaster and see my flock of sheep signs taking over, lots of them with sold on them. In total I have listed over 50 properties and have over £20,000 of business about to complete. Not bad for a rookie!”

Giovanni Tummino – EweMove Childwall and Woolton

After almost 30 years working for a leading UK bank, I needed a change.

Being a landlord, I knew all too well that there were areas where Estate Agents could improve their service.

With my interest in property and a network of professional connections including solicitors, mortgage brokers and accountants becoming an estate agent seemed like my perfect next job!

I looked at the other property franchises, comparing them to EweMove, but this is by far the best option out there.

EweMove was very attractive to me because I can run a business around my own values and beliefs, rather than trying to fit in with someone else’s.

It took me 7 months before I took the plunge because I was waiting to find ‘a catch’ but I couldn’t find one. It’s even better than I imagined!

The fast pace of change is directed solely at delivering a better service to our clients and making life easier for us franchisee’s.

The quirkiness of the brand is backed up by lots of unique selling points which make us stand out from the crowd. In 17 months I have taken on 25 sale properties and manage over 100 properties.

A lot of my business comes from referrals, clients viewing my properties I have then became their agent! My best record I believe is selling 3 houses on the same street.

I get a real high from delivering great service and building relationships with customers. I feel a buzz when I receive 5 star reviews on Trustpilot from my customers. I’m always looking into ways to excel in customer service and to create that perfect experience.

Stephanie Brough – EweMove Southport

“I’d worked within the industry since 2010 and my last role involved managing a lettings team. I then moved to EweMove. I was used to working long hours and travelling so working in my hometown of Southport was the change in lifestyle I really needed.

The EweMove franchise model is a very effective, everything has been well thought out and is created for you to grow your business using these materials.

The EweMove model has high profit potential if you just simply follow the plan!

I am now taking on a property a week following the lean green marketing plan, it really is as simple as following the plan. The marketing is basically a done for you service meaning you can make the most of your time in front of the customers! From all the marketing I do I bring on both sellers and landlords meaning I have both a regular monthly income and big wins from my sale completions.

My goal is to keep growing my business, I have already taken on one member of staff to help me. My commitment to myself is to grow the business buying me lifestyle and financial freedom.”

Sophie Harker – EweMove Stamford & Spalding

“Since becoming a EweMove franchisee in 2013 I have re-structured my business to fit around my lifestyle and to allow flexibility. 

Previously my business contained a lot of landlords of low value properties which in course brought problematic tenants.

Now my main focus is sales and cherry-picked properties I want to manage that are going to suit my working schedule.

Following on from the restructure of my business I am now earning more money for working less hours. I believe the most important aspect of the change is that I am really enjoying the change in path. I love focusing on my lovely customers who are actually grateful of my hard work. I get the best job satisfaction being part of the process where someone is moving into their dream property and you made that happen, it’s a special moment!

I really owe the franchisor and development manager for my success, they made me focus on where I was spending all my time and how much I was actually earning. From their support and guidance I changed my business for the better.

Now over 80% of my business comes from word of mouth from Happy Customers recommending me to their friends and family.

Everyone at EweMove has the same passion and enthusiasm for everyone to succeed. I can run my business how I want but I know I’ve got the help of head office and the franchisee’s which I really value!”

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