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Judd Williams, Business Development Director for the Boparan Restaurant Group (BRG), which owns well-known branded restaurants including, Giraffe, Ed’s Easy Diner and Harry Ramsden’s fish & chips, will be a...
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David Cavanagh has always enjoyed being his own boss, beginning his journey as a business owner with a franchise many years ago. Following the sale of this franchise, he went...
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Franchising is booming, with the British Franchise Association (bfa) predicting that the Scottish franchise sector will be worth £1billion by 2020. Find out how you could be part of this...
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After 5 years working in Dubai for a marketing incentives company, Ross Gamble decided it was time to return to the UK. He had always harboured the ambition to be...
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Tasked with empowering the association’s 1,000-strong membership to prepare for their future after football, Neil was constantly on the search for new opportunities. One of the WPA Healthcare Practice franchisees...
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Len Donnelly had been working in food retail management for 30 years when, in 2005, he was made redundant. Reflecting on the impact of the extremely long hours demanded by...
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Franchise exhibitions offer a fantastic opportunity for anyone considering franchising. Over the two days there will be a range of educational features, workshops and keynote speakers designed for anyone looking...
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London’s first multi-unit franchise conference will be held at Olympia on 9 March. The event will offer exclusive insight into the evolution of multi-unit-franchising. As a teenager, Neel Sodha worked evenings and...
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Franchise exhibitions offer a fantastic opportunity for anyone considering franchising. Over the two days there will be a range of educational features, workshops and keynote speakers designed for anyone looking...
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The Alsaidi family decided that they wanted to do something different with the money they’d recently inherited. While buying a flat could yield returns in the long run, they wanted something which...

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