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In these challenging economic times, the franchising model is showing itself to be both resilient and capable of increasing its business levels.

Victoria Shelley explains how TWL Inbound can help franchisors drive their success further forward.

At TWL Inbound we realise that franchisors need to show their franchisees that they are using their purchasing power to ensure each franchisee benefits as much as possible.

Therefore, our fixed price telephony packages mean that franchisees can budget their costs accurately, while benefiting from the additional extras included in our franchise packages that are not available to non-franchise customers.


Research shows that the businesses who succeed and grow in times of recession and economic slowdown are the ones who step up their advertising to show both potential and existing customers that they are still thriving. By combining increased advertising with the TWL Inbound telephony services, franchisees can see exactly which adverts placed generate business.

This then means that franchisees can use the reporting information provided by TWL Inbound to allocate their marketing budget into the areas that it generates sales from. This gives the franchisees the knowledge that their valuable budget is being allocated in the best way possible.

Fully-Inclusive Telephony Packages

Telecoms with logic

We appreciate that the telecoms’ requirements of a business are often given little thought when a franchisee is contending with training, ordering supplies and uniforms as well as preparing to start their new business. With this in mind we have put together a series of packages that allow the franchisee to select the services they need while benefiting from the additional services offered to our franchise partners.

Our innovative franchise packages have proven successful across the board, with van-based and shop-based franchises alike benefiting from the flexibility of our services. Franchisees appreciate our simple pricing structures and many have taken advantage of our platinum package – BT line rental, business-quality broadband and inbound marketing numbers all on one bill!

TWL provides not only market-leading inbound numbering solutions, but also market-competitive solutions for telephone line rental and broadband connections. Offering cost-effectiveness is the key, which is why we include a generous bundle of free outbound and inbound minutes for each franchisee.

We believe that all businesses should only have to pay a competitive price for their services, but that those services should also stand up to the rigours of business use. After all, what use is your telephone line if you cannot make or receive calls on it and how useful is your broadband if you cannot get online to order that valuable stock from the warehouse?

Disaster Recovery

What plans do you have in place in case franchisees premises are unavailable due to fire, flood or worse? With the TWL Inbound telephony products, all inbound calls can be instantly routed to another location, be it to head office or to a different site. It is paramount that from a customer’s point of view it is ‘business as usual’, especially if you wish to retain the customer for the future.

For more information contact Richard Bernard, Managing Director or Victoria Shelley on +44 (0)800 412 5555. Alternatively email us.

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