Jumping into business with a Flip Out franchise reveals immediate strengths

Having run a family-owned UK-based tour agency business for just over 18 years, Vishal Patel and his partner were looking to expand their business portfolio. As parents, they enjoy spending time with their children, Harmony and Maverick, and socialising as a family is hugely important to them. Therefore, the franchise model suited their lifestyle and allowed them to continue to focus on family and the primary business, whilst expanding into the family entertainment sector.
Vishal explains, “It suited us. I run a successful travel business, which I didn’t want to step away from. We also didn’t want to reinvent the wheel with a brand-new business. My partner came up with the suggestion and we felt that going down the franchising route would be the best for us, as we would get the support we need to avoid making errors.”

Interestingly, Vishal had already experienced a flavour of what the Flip Out franchise model offered when he took his children to a Flip Out trampoline park and ended up spending £75 in the space of 15 minutes. With unwavering business acumen, he says, “I was looking at the two or three hundred people inside and thinking ‘Wow, this has got to have some legs!’”. Vishal and his partner both attended a Franchise Exhibition on separate occasions, and this experience proved to be invaluable to both of them.

It gave them the chance to meet a variety of different brands they hadn’t yet considered, as well as gain knowledge about the business format. Vishal mentions, “You learn a lot. Even if it’s not quite the right brand or the numbers don’t appeal to you, you still learn something from every question you ask. You definitely get a better idea of what you want and what suits you by visiting one of these events.”
It was Vishal’s partner who met Flip Out initially. His chat with Richard Beese and David White, co-founders of Flip Out, coupled with Vishal’s first-hand experience of the brand, meant they felt no hesitation that the investment in this family entertainment franchise was the one for them.
Being 5 years in as the proud owners of Flip Out Croydon, the pair have been bowled over by the level of support they receive from head office. Vishal shares, “Our general manager actually walked out on the day we were meant to launch. He turned around and said “It’s not for me.” Being part of a franchise, we saw the strength immediately. As soon as head office found out, they dropped their bags, got around our tables and put in a plan to get a GM from every other site to come in and support us to make sure our team got through those first few weeks.”
However, the support didn’t stop there, they continue to feel the benefits of being part of the franchise network to this day. Vishal adds, “When you’re in a business in a completely different sector than what you’re used to, and you’re not quite sure how to handle certain situations, they’ve got a sensible solution for any problem because they’ve encountered pretty much everything.”
To aspiring entrepreneurs attending The British & International Franchise Exhibition, Vishal advises keeping an open mind as there are so many unexpected opportunities that may arise. He adds, “The key thing to bear in mind is what will be the right investment for you. Attending a Franchise Exhibition is the perfect opportunity to identify what you get in your franchise package and to ask as many questions as possible.”
Inspired by Vishal’s story? Book your free tickets to The British & International Franchise Exhibition here >>