Call to Celebrate Carers’ Expertise in Alzheimer’s Month

During Alzheimer’s month this September, we should remember the other Alzheimer’s experts – the ones who deliver care to people with the disease, says Amrit Dhaliwal, Chief Executive of home care provider Walfinch.

According to Alzheimer’s Research UK:

“One in two of us will be directly affected by dementia. Either by caring for someone with the condition, developing it ourselves, or both.”

“Alzheimer’s disease experts are not only those bent over microscopes in labs. There are thousands more Alzheimer’s experts in our communities. You probably even know some,” says Amrit, founder of Walfinch, which has teams of carers based in over 30 offices around the country.”

“Carers are experts at delivering therapies to people in their own homes or in the community,” says Amrit. “Therapy for Alzheimer’s goes beyond medications, valuable though they are.”

Carer Amarah Peters, from the care team at Walfinch Mid and South Buckinghamshire, was on her first visit to a client with Alzheimer’s. Amarah says:

“I asked if she had had a good day and repeated it clearly while looking at her. Suddenly she said, ‘Yes.’ Her husband was overjoyed. It was the first time she had spoken properly in months!”

Amarah adds:

“I then said, ‘You have a lovely husband,’ and she said, ‘Yes’ again! I’m trained in caring for people with Alzheimer’s so I know it’s important that they see you speak to them as well as hear it, but it was wonderful to see such positive results.”

The NHS recommends that people with Alzheimer’s Disease (a form of dementia) stay socially, physically and mentally active. It suggests people with dementia take part in activities such as dance, swimming or joining a walking group, arts activities, such as painting, singing or drama, attending local ‘memory cafes’ and keeping in touch with relatives.

Amrit says:

“All carers are trained in dementia care, and many of ours have taken extra training in therapy for conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease. Carers will take people with dementia to local memory cafes, for reminiscence or art sessions and can help them keep in touch with their families online.”

“Their expertise helps treat people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and they will happily share their knowledge with clients and their families, so everyone can benefit.”

Walfinch is a national home care brand which offers tailored, flexible home care for a range of specialised needs, including elderly care services. It has over 30 offices across the country owned by franchisee Managing Directors, providing quality home-based care, support and companionship services.

For further information about Walfinch home care franchise opportunities, please visit their profile.

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